Chain stats
General specifications
Block Times: 5 Minutes
Security: Proof of Work + Proof of Stake v2
Currencies: Breakout Coin, Breakout Stake, Sister Coin, Atomic, The Deck
Coinbase Maturity: 240 Blocks (20 hr)
Breakout Coin
Ticker: BRK
Genesis Block: 19.5M BRK
Current Supply: 18.5M BRK ( 2,269,671 Burned after ICO)
Max Supply: No Max
Inflation: 5% per year compounded per block
Block Reward: 20 BRK
Min Transaction Fee: 0.01 BRK
Breakout Stake
Ticker: BRX
Genesis Block: 12.5M BRX
Max Supply: 6.268M BRX (6,231,918 burned after ICO)
Inflation: Zero
Min Transaction Fee: 0.01 BRX
Stakes: 20 BRK block
Confirmations for Maturity: 3456 (12.3 Days)
Sister Coin
Ticker: SIS
Max Supply: 21 M
Starting PoW Reward: 50 SIS
Inflation: Halving Every 420,000 Blocks (4 Years)
Min Transaction Fee: 0.01 SIS
Ticker: BAM
Supply: 10 Billion BAM
Inflation: None
Min Transaction Fee: 1 BAM
Tickers: D (for deck), value, suit.
Ticker examples: DAS = Ace of Spades, D2H = Two of Hearts
Supply: 53 (Standard 52 Card Deck + Joker)
Inflation: None
Min Transaction Fee: 0.01 SIS
Stakes: Sister Coin
Stake Minimum Confirmations: 13,824 (49.2 Days)